Run Method

Two functions are used to run functions of PPG 3D classes specifically.

RunMethod is used to run a function in a singular defined object It uses 4 parameters.

  1. Object - GameObject

  2. Class - string "className"

  3. Function - string "functionName"

  4. Parameters - object[]


GameObject.Find("Mod3DAPI").SendMessage("RunMethod", new object[]      
    new object[0] //creates an empty array. Look up a little to see how to create a proper array.
}, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

RunMethodsInChildren is used to run functions in the children and main object. It also uses 4 parameters.

  1. Parent - GameObject

  2. Class - string "className"

  3. Function - string "functionName"

  4. Parameters - object[]


GameObject.Find("Mod3DAPI").SendMessage("ModifyPropertiesInChildren", new object[]          
		new object[] { true } //breakbone has a bool to make it silent
}, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

Last updated

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